What I forget to understand is that every time, say, a hoarder acquires something, it is the hoarder aspiring to a fresh start, away and apart from the unfulfilled and unattended to projects from before, etc. What is bad for her feels good — like intending to upcycle an old notebook, , and what’s good for her feels bad — like a “wasteful” indiscriminate discarding of items. That pretty much sums up vicious cycles, or cycles in general, yes? Because there really isn’t such a thing as feeling good and feeling bad all the time. It’s that secret inter-mix that keeps us going, or stuck, depending on how we frame things.
That’s why obsession is noble and beautiful
What’s left of the bright-eyed clutter from yesteryear’s grateful careful hands?
Did their souls escape while forgotten, undisturbed in plain sight on this relentless turntable land?
Rebirth forever ash-encased in the carnage petty with privilege
What survives but the discarded shells of what may have been
A lost consumed air-con autumnal warm embrace of manicured childish desperation
Out of step or season in a gossiped armoury of dancing dominance
Sharp only as flowery faux pas or oh oh eau de parfum or shhh schadenfreude or slaying slazenger toying titleist in a prancing conformist coughing cornflake gleeful spittle spite
Embossed by fashionable universal anti-depressants against that forbidden pariah margin
In a teetering relevance at a private ghosting party buffoons blanked in a harem
Sliding off like nothing to
Flight of Fancy by Anna Sui
I know there are limits even ever
after limits because I am
there must
be I just
don’t know for sure where and
how my love knows
always forever and
yesterday so I pay bills and
taxes over
laundered quilt cover with unknown
count of one-two-
flagging emails questions slumber swipe blathering peals of
thunder rolling tears
tempestuous fears
Laughter, after all.
Damp sheets and wet
again, pattering feet
down and up and down and
up, walk the scratched planks of wood against
imagined monsters, incorporated away
a pallor about every menacing corner
exhausted above, bottom
lines chart course through
an otherness wild
dense with paucity.
Ignore at perilous bliss, in-voices
voices, whisper forgetting
about forgetting after and
only after learning after
forgetting again to learn
a double helix tending
in finity and to beyond
less the unknown but here
you are so
I am now.
“有文化的人价值观更加多元。见过不少没文化的聪明人,特别聪明的甚至可以自己摸索出一套完全自洽,在生活中运用裕如的价值体系。但问题在于,没文化的人往往价值观比较单一。ta可能是个复杂的人,但其价值体系完全是建立在自己生活经验的基础上的,很少更多纬度更广阔的信息来源,所以深究起来,这种人往往有个单一的价值观。举个例,比如他们对什么是“好的”,可能有非常明确和简单的判断。他们可能会很难理解自己生活经验范围外的其他价值体系。而真有文化的人,会更加包容。因为一种价值体系只是一个维度而已。” — 知乎用户,知乎,2019-10-15
“…文化是一个群体(可以是国家、也可以是民族、企业、家庭)在一定时期内形成的思想、理念、行为、风俗、习惯、代表人物,及由这个群体整体意识所辐射出来的一切活动,传统意义上所说的,一个人有或者没有文化,是指他所受到的教育程度,后者是狭义的解释,前者是广义的解释。…” — 黑夜o漫步,百度知道,2019-11-13
1. 名词 – 人类创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和;特指精神财富,如教育、科学、文艺等。「传统 文化」
2. 名词 – 运用语言文字的能力和一般的知识。「学 文化」
3. 名词 – 特指某一领域或某一范畴体现的思想、观念、道德和行为规范以及风俗习惯等。「企业 文化」
4. 名词 – 考古学指同一历史时期的不依分布地点为转移的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具,同样的制造技术等,是同一种文化的特征。如半坡文化。” — 谷歌,2020-05-24
1. 名词 – 待人处世方面的修养;特指控制个人情绪的能力。「要不是他有 涵养,刚才非吵起来不可」” — 谷歌,2020-05-24

但凡情系着的东西,要求处理得当,时时撇清无凭无据以及个人意见的界限,是要付出代价的。所谓的客观,再客观,若长期如出一辙,本身就是一个毛病。哪一天想念起主观的敢爱敢恨,热泪盈眶,却藏匿在窃窃私语中,不见得谁说春风吹起又生。消除五味杂陈里带来的无理取闹,信口雌黄,过程里面的得失,价值,是可以权衡的。不得不经常张牙舞爪换来如果是无尽的无动于衷,人云亦云,当自食其果。人人有责 — 有些人责任大一些罢了。
Among a whole gamut of things I continue to try to understand, I’ve got problems understanding myself. Because I can feel strongly for things, so much so that a physical sensation grips me, it is often upsetting when I cannot understand why people cannot contemporaneously understand me. Consolation is that I know it is but a process, and mileage here can count.
龙应台觉悟道:“不要骗自己了。此生为一能给的,只有陪伴。而且,就在当下,因为,人走,茶凉,缘灭,生命从不等候。” 假若如此,而我并无分身术 — 这是否解释了这隐隐轮回的惆怅。
